How to Add Citations in MonsterWriter?
Adding citations to your academic writing in MonsterWriter is a breeze. Whether you prefer quick keyboard shortcuts or a straightforward menu option, we've got you covered. This chapter will guide you through the two simple methods of adding citations to your document.
Method 1: Using the Keyboard Shortcut (Ctrl+I)
Step 1Position your cursor: First, place your cursor at the exact location in your text where you want to insert the citation.
Step 2Press Ctrl+I. This key will show you three options, one for inserting a footnote (fn*), one for inserting a citation (ref), and one for inserting an inline equation. Press on the "ref" option.
Step 3Enter citation details manually or automatically by introducing a website link, the ISBN, or the DOI code.
Method 2: Using the Upper Panel Insert Option
Step 1Position your cursor: First, place your cursor at the exact location in your text where you want to insert the citation.
Step 2Click on the citation icon in the toolbar.

Step 3Provide citation details: Similar to the first method, you will now enter the necessary details of your citation.
Additional Tips:
- To edit a citation: If you need to make changes to a citation, simply click on the existing citation in your document. The citation panel will open, allowing you to edit or update the information.
- To add multiple citations: You can repeat the above steps to add as many citations as needed throughout your document.
- Supported citation styles: MonsterWriter supports various citation styles, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, and more. Choose the appropriate style in the citation panel to ensure accurate formatting.
Congratulations! You've learned how to add citations effortlessly in MonsterWriter. Properly citing your sources not only strengthens your academic work but also showcases your credibility as a responsible researcher and writer. Happy writing!